
Open Workshop 2 | July 13 to 20, 2016 | Becoming an INTERFERENCE Audience Guide

From September 1 to 4, 2016, all the artworks of INTERFERENCE where on public display. At every site, visitors found a guide who provided info, answers questions and encourages the art experience. At selected hours every night, several tour guides offered a walk to selected sites as well as behind the scenes.

To prepare for this program, In this workshop, the site and tour guides will be trained.

All guides had to learn about the concept of the project as well as the sites, the artists and the specific artworks. They were trained by the curators’ team, by the Doolesha collective and by additional experts. The training followed the idea that everybody develops an individual approach with unique information and specific features.


Wednesday, July 13 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Introduction to the project
– Information on the artists and the artworks

Thursday, July 14 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Understanding the sites

Friday, July 15 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Communication with the audience
– Care for and safety of the audience

Saturday, July 16 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Peer review: Presentations of the artists, the artworks and the sites

Sunday, July 17 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Peer review: Presentations of the artists, the artworks and the sites

Monday, July 18 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Linking public art, urban dvelopment and democratic culture

Tuesday, July 19 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Testing tours

Wednesday, July 20 | 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm

– Planning and coordination

Open Workshop 1 | May 13 to 22, 2016 | Team Building

Becoming part of the team, collecting info, doing interviews with and writing about artists, artworks and sites of INTERFERENCE. Developing of materials and strategies for media- and press work. Building the briefing for the INTERFERENCE audience guiding.

Friday, May, 13 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm // Vendredi 13 mai | de 14h à 18h

– IF: background
– artist’s c.v. // CV d’artistes
– artist’s statement // déclarations d’artistes

Saturday, May 14 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm // Samedi 14 mai | de 14h à 18h

– artist’s interview // interview d’artistes
– artist’s text // textes d’artistes
– IF: choice of artist // IF : le choix d’artistes
– IF: light in fine arts // IF : la lumière dans les beaux-arts

Sunday, May 15 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm // Dimanche 15 mai | de 14h à 18h

– IF: light in fine arts // la lumière dans les beaux-arts
– artwork info // information sur les installations
– artwork text // textes sur les installations
– IF: concepts for the artworks // IF : concepts pour les installations

Wednesday, May 18 | 6.00 pm to 10.00 pm // Mercredi 18 mai | de 18h à 22h

– Q+A // Questions-réponses
– IF: the medina of Tunis – outstanding values // IF : la médina de Tunis – valeurs extraordinaires
– tour of sites // visite de sites

Friday, May, 20 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm // Vendredi 20 mai | de 14h à 18h

– peer-review/ feedback: presentation of the texts and interviews // évaluation/ retours : présentation des textes et des interviews
– IF: wordpress access for contributers // IF : accès à wordpress pour les contributeurs

Saturday, May 21 | 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm // Samedi 21 mai | de 14h à 18h

– peer-review/ feedback: texts and images online // évaluation/retour: textes et images en ligne
– IF: press- and media work / concept // IF : travail de presse et media / concept
– IF: site and tour guides / concept // les guides sites et parcours
– Next steps // prochaines étapes

Workshop Team // Equipe Ateliers : Mariem Essaddi, Amin Gharbi, Aymen Gharbi, Tom Groll,  Malika Touddimte.
Head of workshop// Direction de l’équipe Ateliers : Prof. Bettina Pelz

For questions, please contact Mariem Essaddi or Amin Gharbi

Pour toutes les questions, nous vous prions de contacter Mariem Essaddi ou Amin Gharbi

Logo Goethe InstitutFunded by the Goethe Institut // Financé par le Goethe-Institut